01 Sep Protect Your Smile With Preventive Dentistry

Preventive dentistry means we provide treatments to prevent serious oral health issues and manage your oral health, helping kids and adults alike. This could range from avoiding damaged teeth with athletic mouthguard, to fighting gum disease with cleanings. Our team of cosmetic dental professionals in Naples, FL, can help your family maintain optimal oral health.

Checkups and Cleanings

Checkups and cleanings are a major component of our preventive dentistry approach, and we cordoned these for people of all ages every six months. The checkup portion involves our team closely examining your smile with digital technology, so we can make a diagnosis with precision and accuracy. We look for issues ranging from tooth decay and gingivitis to oral cancer and even TMJ disorder. Our team then creates a personalized treatment plan. With the cleaning, which occurs in the same visit, we will remove all harmful plaque and tartar from the teeth. Doing so helps limit the risk of bad breath and teeth stains, as well as cavities and gum disease. We then polish the teeth top make it more difficult for plaque and tartar buildup to adhere to the teeth in between visits, and to brighten your smile too!

Athletic Mouthguards

When you play sports or martial arts, you want to wear a mouthguard to prevent cracked, chipped, or knocked-out teeth. While boil-and-bite options are available at any sporting goods store, a custom mouthguard custom-fitted or your smile provides a greater level of protection, so we recommend one for kids and adults alike.

TMD Mouthguards

Our team can also design mouthguards to be worn at night to ease the strain of TMJ disorder and prevent painful symptoms in your jaw and face. The same device can also help prevent damage from bruxism by placing a barrier between your upper and lower teeth when you grind or clench them.

Perio Protect Trays

To help manage periodontal disease and keep your smile whole and healthy, we could provide Perio Protect Trays. You wear a set of trays at night, which administer a special medication to the periodontal pockets, so you can manage the disease and prevent painful symptoms and even lower your risk of tooth loss!

Emergency Dentistry

When a dental emergency happens, such as a damaged tooth, sudden pain, knocked-out tooth or even compromised or missing fillings and crowns, you need to see us right away. As part of our preventive approach, our team can arrange a time to see you even if your injury happens outside of normal business hours, preventing complications from arising.

Learn More About Preventive Dentistry With Smile Naples

Our team wants to help you maintain your best possible smile with preventive dentistry. To learn more about our preventive treatment options, talk to our team at Smile Naples in Naples, FL at (239)598-4333, and schedule your consultation today!

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