07 Aug Zirconia Bridges Help You To Keep Your Restoration Private

If you have lost a tooth, or if your dentist has given you a diagnosis that requires an extraction, take some time to learn about all of your options in prosthodontic repair. This field of dentistry specializes in the replacement of missing natural teeth with a durable prosthetic solution. One of the key methods in renewing smiles is through what is known as a dental bridge, which uses the strength of your remaining teeth to hold a durable replacement.

With our team of cosmetic dental professionals in Naples, FL, you can restore your smile with a beautiful new dental bridge that blends in with the rest of your natural smile. By harnessing a material known as zirconia, there is a strong and elegant prosthodontic solution that you can trust. Zirconia bridges combine the durability of metal repairs with the lifelike qualities of other ceramic options, so ask your provider about whether this method is right for your smile. When you lose a tooth, talk to your dentist about all of your choices in prosthodontic repair!

A Dental Bridge Is A Tested Replacement Solution When You Lose A Tooth

One of the staples within restorative dentistry is known as a dental bridge. This appliance-based form of prosthodontic repair takes advantage of the strength of your remaining teeth on either side of your gap. With dental crowns placed on both of these teeth, a connected hanging prosthetic can take the place of your missing natural tooth. If your smile is otherwise healthy, a dental bridge can be a durable way to renew your dentistry after experiencing a loss.

Zirconia Bridges Give You A Strong Restoration That Blends In With Your Natural Enamel

If your dentist recommends the use of a bridge to restore your bite after the loss of a tooth, take the time to ask them about the advantages of zirconia. This material is both durable and lifelike, giving you the opportunity to have a more private improvement. When you want to keep your restoration to yourself, zirconia can help.

It is important to tell your provider about your situation, however, as this form of prosthodontic repair is not for everyone. For those who are anticipating the need for further tooth replacement due to illness or age, your dentist may suggest another option. Every smile is unique, so keep your mind open when discussing your possibilities!

Learn More About How A Zirconia Bridge Can Help You With Smile Naples

When you need to replace one of more of your missing teeth, talk to our team of dedicated cosmetic dental experts about a dental bridge made using zirconia. To learn more about your options in prosthodontic repair, talk to our team at Smile Naples in Naples, FL at (239)598-4333, and schedule your consultation today!

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