02 May 5 Signs You Have a Cavity

Think you have a cavity? We’ll explain common symptoms of a cavity to help you determine your problem.

Cavities can become serious dental issues, so if you have a cavity, you do not want to ignore it. Keep reading to find out how to know if you are getting a cavity.

1. Toothache

If you suddenly get a toothache, this is a sign that you may have a cavity. Cavities will cause toothaches throughout the day as they worsen and get more sensitive.

This could start as a dull pain and evolve into a sharp or throbbing pain throughout the day.

2. Tooth Sensitivity

When there is a cavity, your tooth will become much more sensitive. For example, you may experience sharp pain as you brush your teeth or drink water.

Your tooth may start to hurt as you bite down or even talk. It will become increasingly more sensitive as the cavity becomes worse.

3. Visible Tooth Changes

If you are having pain in your mouth and it is localized around one area, try looking closely at your teeth to see how they look. A cavity will often look like an area of discoloration or a pit or hole that wasn’t there before.

These visible changes could be a sign of a cavity that is progressing. 

Discoloration can mean that it is just starting to form, while pitting or a hole means that it is already starting to negatively impact your tooth.

4. Pain When Eating and Drinking

Cavities can become very sensitive and can even react when you are drinking or eating. This is often due to cold or hot temperatures that can create sharp pain or a lingering toothache.

The feeling of cold or hot food and drinks can irritate a cavity and cause serious pain.

5. Swollen Gums

What affects the tooth can often affect the gum, as well, and the same goes for cavities. A cavity can cause irritation to the gum and create swelling as well as leaving it bright red or inflamed.

This can create more pain and make the general area more sensitive and tender.

Don’t Ignore These 5 Signs

The signs we listed above are some of the most common indicators that you have a cavity. If any of these apply to you, you should see your dentist as soon as possible.

You do not want to let a cavity progress for too long, as it will only become worse and cause more pain.

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