06 Jan Caring for Your Toothbrush — The Right Way

Did you know there’s a right way and a wrong way to care for your toothbrush? Your dentist in Naples, FL, loves to remind you that you put your toothbrush in your mouth twice a day — so it’s vital that it’s clean! Proper toothbrush care can also make your brush last longer, saving you money and keeping your teeth healthy.

Toothbrush Care Basics

Caring for your toothbrush is simple if you follow our “do’s” and “don’ts.”


  • Use the right amount of toothpaste to avoid clogging the bristles.
  • Brush teeth in small circles, with a gentle pressure.
  • Brush for two minutes.
  • Rinse your toothbrush fully, ensuring every trace of toothpaste is gone.
  • Store your toothbrush with the head in the air so it can dry.
  • Replace it as recommended — see below.


  • Scrub at your teeth with too much pressure as this can ruin the bristles and damage your teeth.
  • Chew your toothbrush.
  • Share your toothbrush.
  • Lean your toothbrush against other people’s brushes — bacteria can grow and spread quickly, especially when it takes longer for your toothbrush to get dry.

When to Replace Your Toothbrush

The CDC recommends replacing your toothbrush every three or four months, to prevent the spread of bacteria. However, if your toothbrush is looking worn out before this, with bent or damaged bristles, invest in a new one. A broken toothbrush will not clean your teeth effectively and could contribute to poor oral health.

Types of Toothbrushes

Does toothbrush care vary between different types of toothbrushes? Many people prefer sustainable options such as bamboo, or they may use an electric toothbrush with unique replaceable heads.

The good news is that for all toothbrush types, you can use our care tips to maximize your oral hygiene. Electric toothbrushes usually have smaller heads, but the principles of keeping them clean and dry remain the same. Change the head as soon as it looks worn, and never use the same head for more than four months, even if it still looks in good condition. Tiny imperfections can be home to many bacteria, so regular replacements are vital to keeping your mouth healthy.

If you’d like more expert advice from a local dentist in Naples, FL, get in touch today or schedule an appointment.

Content found on this blog is intended for educational purposes only and should not be used as a substitute for professional judgement, advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Please speak with a professional if you have concerns about your oral health.

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