09 Mar The New Era of Cosmetic Dentistry

Modern cosmetic dentistry makes it possible for anyone to have a beautiful and vibrant smile. The days of suffering with unsightly cracks, chips, and stains are long gone. Our cosmetic family dentist is here to help our patients look and feel their best. We offer cosmetic treatments such as dental bonding, zirconia crowns, and professional teeth whitening that can transform your appearance for years to come.

Following is some helpful information on our most popular cosmetic offerings.

Dental Bonding

Bonding treatments are an affordable option for concealing common dental imperfections. Patients with cracked, chipped, and stained teeth can benefit from dental bonding. This treatment option involves placing a tooth-colored resin over imperfections. The resin is tinted to perfectly match healthy tooth structure so that teeth appear healthy, white, and properly-shaped.

Zirconia Dental Crowns

Sometimes our teeth develop such extensive damage that we need a restoration to protect them. In the past, dental work was noticeable and obvious. Today, however, restorations including dental crowns can blend in beautifully with neighboring teeth.

When it comes to discreet crowns, zirconia is a fine choice. This durable material stands up to the force associated with daily oral function but when a porcelain layer is added to its finish, it looks like a healthy, biological tooth.

Zirconia crowns can improve the appearance of severely worn, stained, cracked, and chipped teeth.

Professional Teeth Whitening

Our teeth are porous, which means they can stain over time. Exposure to tobacco and dark foods/drinks will accelerate their staining, too. Fortunately, professional teeth whitening is a non-invasive remedy for dull and discolored teeth.

Our cosmetic family dentist offers take-home whitening kits. These kits include comfortable trays and prescription-grade whitening solutions that will gradually lighten teeth over time. The whitening solution is strong enough to lift years of permanent stains but gentle enough not to cause permanent tooth sensitivity. With proper use, take-home whitening can lighten teeth up to eight shades brighter.

If you would like to learn more about your cosmetic treatment options, contact Smile Naples to schedule a smile makeover consultation.

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